Jumanne, 8 Aprili 2014

Movie Review; NOAH


Cast: Russell Crowe, Jennifer Connelly, Anthony Hopkins, Emma Watson, Ray Winstone, Logan Lerman, Douglas Booth, Nick Nolte, Leo McHugh Carroll
Direction: Darren Aronofsky
Genre: Adventure
Duration: 2 hours 17 minutes

Story: Based on the Old Testament tale from the Bible, Noah is chosen by God to build an Ark as a shelter for a male and female pair of every living creature on Earth in preparation for an apocalyptic yet cleansing flood.

Review: Noah (Crowe) knows that the flip side of him being chosen to save all that is pure and innocent (read: the entire animal kingdom and only his family) is that he will have to make some really tough decisions, like turning away tons of people who also seek safety in the Ark. His father Methuselah (Hopkins, brilliant) prepares Noah for the task over a conversation, after which Noah then returns to Naameh (Connelly) and his sons Shem (Booth), Ham (Lerman) and Japeth (Carroll) with the divine message.

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Chapisha Maoni