Jumatatu, 14 Aprili 2014


forever gma
Title: Forever
Broadcasting Network: GMA
Genre: Romance, Sci-Fi, Drama
The story begins in the late 1950′s with Adora, the sole heiress to a wealthy coconut plantation. Despite her social status, Adora falls passionately in love with Ramon, a lowly worker in their hacienda. Adora’s father, Don Jaime strongly opposes his daughter’s relationship with Ramon. But the young couple promise to stay together regardless Don Jaime’s objection.
The forbidden love affair eventually leads to Ramon’s death. But before Ramon cast his last breath, he vows to return to be with his one great love, Adora.
Adora is devastated with Ramon’s passing and realizes her life is now empty and meaningless without him. Until a mysterious old woman gives her an antique pocket watch that will give her another chance to be reunited with her beloved Ramon.
Decades later… the now old Adora meets Patrick, a young painter and the reincarnation of Ramon. The latter will form an unusual connection with the old maiden. With the help of the magical pocket watch, Adora transforms and back to her youthful form again. She reminds Patrick of his past life and together, fulfill the promise of eternal love.

Heart Evangelista as Adora del Prado (young)
Gloria Romero as Adora del Prado (old)
Geoff Eigenmann as Ramon/Patrick

Isabel Oli as Monique
Marc Abaya as Feederico Gallardo
Gian Magdangal as Rico
Candy Pangilinan as Susie
Saab Magalona as Leila
Ronnie Henares

Created by: GMA Entertainment TV Group
Developed by: Kit Villanueva Langit
Written by: Tina Samson Velasco, Angeli Delgado
Directed by: Ricky Davao
Creative director: Roy Iglesias

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